Hybprinter - A novel method and system for bioprinting of hybrid tissue engineering constructs and 3D printing of multi-material objects
Patent Number: WO2017040156A1
Executive Summary:
General Description:
Device is capable of producing hybrid structures composed of rigid, osteoconductive scaffold with channels containing diffusible soft hydrogels that can be used as vascularized grafts. The ability to combine thermoset and thermoplastic materials, along with desirable nanoparticles, improves the mechanical properties of the construct and widens its applicability. The printing process also ensures a high viability of cells loaded in the construct to support tissue regeneration.
Scientific Progress:
Technology that allows to print a combination of diverse materials (hard and soft) with bioagents (cells and growth factors)
Future Directions:
Patent Status:
Publication PMID:
26685102, 5650242
Inventor Bio: Yunzhi Peter Yang
Executive Summary:
- Invention Type: Device
- Patent Status: Pending
- Patent Link: https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2017040156A1/
- Research Institute: Stanford University
- Disease Focus: Tissue Regeneration
- Basis of Invention: 3D printing to produce multi-material structures containing cells for tissue regeneration
- How it works: Layer by layer deposition of connectable rigid scaffolds and soft hydrogels to produce constructs for tissue engineering
- Lead Challenge Inventor: Yunzhi Peter Yang
- Inventors: Chi-Chun Pan, Yaser Shanjani, Yunzhi Peter Yang
- Development Stage: Lead Optimization – demonstrated in vitro
- Novelty:
- Printability of materials of different mechanical properties with bioagents in a controlled way
- Clinical Applications:
- Hybrid constructs that can be used as vascularized grafts and cell-laden scaffolds for tissue regeneration
General Description:
Device is capable of producing hybrid structures composed of rigid, osteoconductive scaffold with channels containing diffusible soft hydrogels that can be used as vascularized grafts. The ability to combine thermoset and thermoplastic materials, along with desirable nanoparticles, improves the mechanical properties of the construct and widens its applicability. The printing process also ensures a high viability of cells loaded in the construct to support tissue regeneration.
Scientific Progress:
Technology that allows to print a combination of diverse materials (hard and soft) with bioagents (cells and growth factors)
Future Directions:
- Validation in animal models
- Application for orthopedic tissue engineering and production of vascular grafts
- Not tested in animal models
- Competition with other technologies that produce multi-material constructs
Patent Status:
- Priority date: 2015-01-09
- Filing date: 2016-09-09
Publication PMID:
26685102, 5650242
- Shanjani, Y; Pan, CC; Elomaa, L; Yang, Y; "A novel bioprinting method and system for forming hybrid tissue engineering constructs,"Biofabrication, 2015 Dec. 18; 7(4):045008. Epub 2015 Dec. 18.
- L Elomaa, CC Pan, Y Shanjani, A Malkovskiy, JV Seppala and Y Yang, "Three-dimensional fabrication of cell-laden biodegradable poly(ethylene glycol-co-depsipeptide) hydrogels by visible light stereolithography," Journal of Materials Chemistry B, published online Sept. 11, 2015, DOI: 10.1039/C5TB01468A.
Inventor Bio: Yunzhi Peter Yang