Eardrum Nanomembrane Offers Tinnitus Care
Patent Number: US9532150B2
Executive Summary:
General Description:
The present invention provides a small and lightweight audio transducer or “audio-lens” membrane at a micro or nano scale that may be placed directly on the eardrum to stimulate and sense an audio environment.
Scientific Progress: Validation of technology functionality; proven as effective treatment/recording modality in some test cases
Future Directions:
Patent Status:
Inventor Bios: Robert H. Blick, Burke S. Richmond
Executive Summary:
- Invention Type: Therapeutic and Diagnostic
- Patent Status: US Grant
- Patent Link: https://patents.google.com/patent/US9532150B2/
- Research Institute: University of Wisconsin
- Disease Focus: Mental Health (Tinnitus)
- Basis of Invention: Nano-/micro-scale piezoelectric membrane for eardrum surface
- How it works: Thin film (thickness less than the eardrum) membrane that conforms to surface of human eardrum with electrical activity corresponding to vibrational stresses. Electrodes on membrane transduce vibrations and then communicate with an attached antenna that transmits the eardrum activity collected
- Lead Challenge Inventors: Robert H. Blick, Burke S. Richmond
- Development Stage: Pre-clinical trial
- Novelty:
- Compared to the current products on the market that resolve the same problem, this invention provides a novel mechanism for treating tinnitus (nanomembrane)
- Objectively detects audio vibrations with thin, flexible, unobtrusive, and wireless device
- Clinical Applications:
- Diagnosis and treatment of tinnitus
General Description:
The present invention provides a small and lightweight audio transducer or “audio-lens” membrane at a micro or nano scale that may be placed directly on the eardrum to stimulate and sense an audio environment.
Scientific Progress: Validation of technology functionality; proven as effective treatment/recording modality in some test cases
Future Directions:
- Clinical Validation
- “Device which has a significant clinical application”
- Can contribute significantly to objective diagnosis of tinnitus
- Design can conform to natural ear shape; biocompatibility
- Can operate wirelessly or through wired attachment to electrodes
- Membrane can be doped and serve as a substrate for integration of more chips; expansive multilateral capabilities (i.e. pressure, temperature sensor, etc)
- Temperature sensor could be especially useful/salient for other applications
- May be able to use radiofrequency for stimulation of sounds and/or charging of device
Patent Status:
- Priority date: 2013-03-05
- Filing date: 2014-09-11
- Publication date: 2016-12-27
- Grant date: 2016-12-27
Inventor Bios: Robert H. Blick, Burke S. Richmond