Magnecytometer for the detection of one or more analytes
Patent Number: US9110067B2
Executive Summary:
General Description:
The present invention avoids the general drawbacks of the prior art by using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy that has the sensitivity to detect single magnetic nanoparticles in an aqueous solution. In one embodiment, the present invention provides a novel NMR microcoil spectroscopic flow cytometer (a Magnecytometer), which performs ultra-sensitive cell detection and isolation. The invention uses the technique of binding of antibody-conjugated, super-paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) to tumor cells or other cells of interest and flow NMR spectroscopy of water in the surrounding buffer solution. The invention utilizes the SPION-induced alteration in the NMR relaxation of the water in an NMR microcoil as a detection mechanism. The invention has the sensitivity to detect a single cell obtained from a small volume of liquid. The invention may also be applied to the detection and capture of almost any type of cell, virus or macromolecule.
Patent Status:
Inventor Bio: Laurel Sillerud
Executive Summary:
- Invention Type: Diagnostic and Device
- Patent Status: Active
- Patent Link:
- Research Institute: University of New Mexico
- Disease Focus: Cancer
- Basis of Invention: A system and method for analyzing a sample of liquid having an NMR signal in response to a magnetic field for the presence of an analyte. Included is an NMR device having a testing section that is adapted to contain a liquid and apply a magnetic field to the liquid.
- How it works: A complex comprised of a conjugate having a field gradient bound to the analyte that is of sufficient magnitude to quench the NMR signal of the liquid when in the test section whereby the presence of the complex is determined by the absence of the NMR signal.
- Lead Challenge Inventor: Laurel Sillerud
- Development Stage: Pre-clinical, human samples
- Novelty:
- More sensitive diagnosis and requires a smaller sample size compared to current methods
- Clinical Applications:
- Potential diagnostic tool
- Liquid biopsy
General Description:
The present invention avoids the general drawbacks of the prior art by using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy that has the sensitivity to detect single magnetic nanoparticles in an aqueous solution. In one embodiment, the present invention provides a novel NMR microcoil spectroscopic flow cytometer (a Magnecytometer), which performs ultra-sensitive cell detection and isolation. The invention uses the technique of binding of antibody-conjugated, super-paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) to tumor cells or other cells of interest and flow NMR spectroscopy of water in the surrounding buffer solution. The invention utilizes the SPION-induced alteration in the NMR relaxation of the water in an NMR microcoil as a detection mechanism. The invention has the sensitivity to detect a single cell obtained from a small volume of liquid. The invention may also be applied to the detection and capture of almost any type of cell, virus or macromolecule.
Patent Status:
- Priority date: 2013-03-14
- Filing date: 2014-09-18
- Publication date: 2015-08-18
- Grant date: 2015-08-18
Inventor Bio: Laurel Sillerud